Concept for Change, your ESG & CSR Partner of choice!
Concept for Change is officially registered and accredited as not for profit organization, based on its strong foundation of social responsibility.
Raising € 100k to plant trees
Climate change and global warming is an undeniable reality affecting everyone. The importance of planting new trees and protecting our existing forests is know. Concept for Change understands the challenge and is collecting donations dedicated to plant trees.
Our goal is to create an impact by collecting 100.000 Euros to plant a mixed forest.
Please make a donation to plant trees or contact us to find out how you can support us.
Telecom does Good
Concept for Change is planning to launch a new initative, dedicated for the telecom industry to jointly plan and execute social and environmental project, linked to ESG, CRS, and SDGs.
Think about the possibilities and opportunities a whole industry can create when coming together as one team.
The planning has started – more information will follow.
Contact us to join or find out more detais.
Take the Survey
Digital Divide & Digital Inclusion Survey
Take part of this important survey to help getting a global view on some key questions related to Digital Divide and Digital Inclusion. The findings of this survey will help informing and education stakeholders and can be used to enable new or improve and accelerate existing initiatives.
Take the survey to make a change!
Research & Development Programs
Our research and development programs are fundamental to Concept for Change. With these programs we create new knowledge and information, to support our existing projects, develop new projects and programs, and create opportunities.
University Programs
With our University engagements we bring professional and business-related topics and feedback to the students on university programs. This is a great opportunity for the students to learn from the market and industry, connect and get prepared for the future.
School Programs
Think “out of the box” is our baseline for our school programs.
We work with schools and students on different educational programs, utilizing our global network of professionals and partners. Our programs bring real life experiences, information, and interaction into the classroom, which cannot be done by a textbook.
Cultural Programs
Some people say that our culture defines who and what we are.
Within our global cultural programs, we support cultural and creative art projects. Bringing people from around the globe together, to share, learn, support, and to keep their culture, creative art, and traditions alive.
Our programs feel like protecting the foundation of all our values.
Local Programs
Global is local – Even our programs run globally, it is very important for us to not forget our roots. Our local engagements are key and provide many great ideas which can be replicated though our network globally, through our friends, partners, and supporters.
Over the Top
There is more to be done and our mind is open for new programs and ideas.
Do the first step to realize your ideas by contacting us.
Partner’s of
Concept for Change
Concept for Change
Project Engagements
Visit our dedicated pages of some active projects
(additional project pages are still in development and will be published soon)

Herman-Vöchtig Gymnasium
Blomberg, Germany

Local Engagement
Lügde, Germany

Universidad Simon Bolivar